Yesterday we flew panels all day. Unpack a crate, lay the panels out, put on the dipoles and crane them up into place. Things are progressing very nicely and the weather was very pleasant. We even some some sunshine for the first time since arriving.
Attaching Dipoles to the panels.
Despite the relative warmth, my hands turned blue while working today. The why of this a little complicated. It turns out that for some reason the passenger seat in the RKO van got very wet (its a mystery) just before they drove back to Narwhal for lunch. This mysterious occurrence was attributed to me for some reason, most likely because it was me. So Luke spent the afternoon following me around with a bottle of blue chalk-line chalk waiting for me to put my gloves down. For three hours every time I took them off I put them in my pockets, until ...
We are using 2 little GoPro cameras to document this undertaking, and getting some astounding time lapse movies. I attached one to the crane for an afternoon and today we attached it to the stretcher bars that are used to lift a panel, so the camera was flying around the sky. Good fun. Other than the practical jokes and playing with the GoPro, there is not much to report.
Taken with GoPro camera mounted to the stretcher bars on the crane.
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