Thursday 15 September 2011

UDU Voodoo

We have moved the UDUs (Utility Distribution Units) into position at the base of the south structure and are starting to work on connecting them to the radar. The UDUs need to be levelled, connected to power (from two different generators) and have cable trays run to them to hold the cabling from the panels. This would all be relatively straight forward if we weren't in the middle of a mini-blizzard. I spent the day in an unheated UDU, working in the dark on a floor that was a slippery as a sheet of ice ... and I had by far the best working environment on the crew.

Moving the UDUs to the base of the south structure.

Installing cable trays in the cold, windy north.

I don't know what these things are, but they grow like crazy up here. There must be 8000 of them at the site.

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